
Plus Delta Reflection Chart

  • March 28, 2025, 9:58 a.m.
I use this chart to evaluate almost everything! I started using it with students in 1995. Whenever the students were assessed, I reflected using the Plus side for evidence of learning and the Delta side for changes or challenges. Then I shared it with students to give feedback about successful use of knowledge and skills and to set next step learning goals.

Summarization Rubrics

  • Oct. 17, 2024, 1:07 p.m.
The summarization rubrics are designed to help teachers assess students' ability to effectively summarize both narrative and expository texts. These rubrics provide clear criteria for evaluating key elements of a summary, such as the identification of main ideas, supporting details, and overall organization. Teachers can use these rubrics to gauge the level of comprehension demonstrated by students in their summaries, scoring each element as complete, partial, fragmented, or incorrect. The rubrics also account for the level of prompting needed, allowing teachers to provide tailored feedback and adjust instruction as needed. By using these rubrics, teachers can track student progress in summarizing skills, identifying areas where students need further instruction and helping them move toward more fluent and accurate retellings of the text.