
Reflecting & Revising Learning

  • by Kelly Harmon
  • Aug. 13, 2019, 8:33 a.m.

At the end of each content block, students need an opportunity to reflect on their learning for the day.This is a great opportunity for students to validate their efforts and learning, while also giving teachers an opportunity to formatively assess who hit the target and who needs more practice time.

The goal of share time is to help students realize just how much they have learned and what they know and can do now that they didn't know earlier. Create a habit of asking one of these questions:

1. As a result of what we did today, what do you now understand better?

2. How has today's practice helped you get better?

3. How close are you to hitting the learning target? What do you still need in order to hit the target?

Varying the way students share their learning is important and will help with accountability. Choose a different strategy each day for student sharing. Here are some ideas for sharing:

  • 5*3*1 charts-Give each team or student a 5*3*1 chart at the beginning of class. Have them put a sticky note under the number that best describes where they are in relation to the learning target. 5's think they are experts, 3's are working towards mastery, 1's are novices just starting the journey. At the end of class, ask them to rate themselves now. Ask students to defend their rating using the learning target, success criteria, and their evidence of learning (products or performances created during the content block).
  • Peanut Butter Jelly Partners (pair share with accountable talk) Free Download 
  • Exit Tickets (oral or written responses)

This is a crucial step in the learning process that is often skipped. Planning for reflection makes it likely it will be part of the learning loop.