
Tech Tools for Vocabulary Development

  • Jan. 21, 2012, 4:28 p.m.

Developing Talkers
From the Children’s Learning Institute Downloadable lesson plans, children’s literature sticky questions, and much more!
Students draw a picture of the word, label it, and draw a brief description of how it is used.

Word Clouds
Create a word cloud to:

  • Introduce yourself
  • Introduce yourself
  • Spelling words
  • Important words from story

Google Earth
Have students visit locations around the globe, on the moon, and Mars. Have students create vocabulary lists describing important features of the location. Have the students sort the words into groups and label the groups with the main idea. Using the newly formed groups, students can create a presentation or travel brochure for the location.

Oneword offers a free service site that prompts you with one word, and then gives you 60 seconds to write about that word. Ideal for high level 4th & 5th elementary and older students.

Flashcard Creators

Google Docs

  1. Create a spreadsheet
  2. Add the gadget “Flashcard Maker”

Happy teaching,
Kelly Harmon