Daily Café
Are you frustrated with the lack of self awareness in your classroom? Ever wish that you weren’t the only one evaluating progress? Do you find yourself wanting to amp up the meta-cognition of your readers? Well, do I have the book suggestion for you! The infamous “two sister” team of Gail Boushey and Joan Moser have developed the “Daily CAFÉ” as a way to encourage students to set their own reading goals and select strategies that might lead to their success in that area. CAFÉ is an acronym used for the four goals highlighted: comprehension (do you understand what you read?), accuracy (do you read the words correctly?), fluency (do you read with right rate and expression?), and expand vocabulary (do you use, read, and write with interesting words?). Following observation, assessment, and conferencing, students declare a goal in one of the 4 areas and work with the teacher to select a strategy that might help them meet that goal. Strategies have been modeled by the teacher in a read-aloud or whole class lesson and used throughout the Daily 5 curriculum. Curious to know more? Check out their website at www.thedailycafe.com for tips, videos, and ideas for implementation.
Happy teaching,
Kelly Harmon